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Kathrin Dreusicke - Ihre Expertin für selbstständige Gesundheitsförderung!

  • Seit 2017 bin ich als Medizin-Journalistin tätig und habe mich darauf spezialisiert, praxisnahe Ratgeber-Bücher zu verfassen, die es jedem Laien ermöglichen, seine Gesundheit selbstständig und in der Eigenregie zu verbessern – bequem und direkt von zu Hause aus!

  • Mit meinen fundierten Kenntnissen über die evidenzbasierte orthomole-kulare Medizin, sowie meiner Fähigkeit, komplexe Themen verständlich und anschaulich zu erklären, helfe ich Ihnen dabei, gezielte Maßnahmen zur Verbesserung Ihrer körperlichen und geistigen Gesundheit zu ergreifen.

  • Als Ihre Expertin für selbstständige Gesundheitsförderung stehe ich Ihnen mit Rat und Tat zur Seite und begleite Sie auf Ihrem Weg zu einem gesünderen und vitaleren Leben - denn Ihre Gesundheit liegt mir am Herzen!

As a child I already wanted to be able to alleviate or even cure the suffering caused by illnesses. After years of researching various alternative healing methods, I noticed one detail:

The powerful healing properties of the sun hormone vitamin D are closely followed by other nutrients.

Vitamin D therapies are not available from health insurers, nor from private health insurers. Every doctor confirms the unmatched effectiveness of vitamin D, but is not allowed to prescribe vitamin D. The incredibly absurd justification of the health insurance companies is: "We take money from our members for the treatment of diseases. We are not allowed to spend any money on pure prophylaxis. Even the law per se forbids EVERY health insurance company."

When I asked why the health insurance company is allowed to pay for back gymnastics courses, the answer was: "We have to attract the members with something. That is generally accepted and it is also a gray area. " I've researched it: In Germany, every preventive measure is actually a purely private matter and does not fall within the area of ​​responsibility of your doctor. Every citizen is responsible for his or her own health care. Ergo: I have acquired the knowledge of all modern research results on the subject of prevention and anti-aging myself.

On my own research trip through the world of medical knowledge, I discovered even more amazing things:

Located in the middle of tourist landscapes in Germany, there is a private hospital that is always fully booked. It specializes in 1-week anti-aging cures. With these cures, the blood count is used to determine which vitamins and minerals the spa guest is missing, and when they check out they receive a precise vitamin list that they should stick to throughout the year.

You are probably asking yourself: "Who in the world is occupying these beds in this special clinic?" I couldn't believe my ears: wealthy sheikhs from the Orient book a week's anti-aging treatment with the whole family every year. And no, it wouldn't be anything for me, the lady at the reception told me, because I would hardly want to spend five-figure sums for a week.

I then put together my own anti-aging therapy tailored to my own body. The blood tests, which are used as the basis for this, are finally available from the family doctor around the corner every two years free of charge under the name "check-up" . I ordered the determination of my vitamin D and my DHEA level at a reasonable price.

I recommended my personal anti-aging therapy to sick friends and relatives so that they should feel a little better. The effect and the subsequent recovery, even with serious illnesses such as fibromyalgia, seemed to me to be a stroke of luck at first.

But gradually I found out again and again that constant and targeted treatment with vitamins and minerals can restore health .

As a medical journalist, I have been writing practical advice books since 2017, which enable every layperson to improve their health independently and on their own, conveniently and directly at home.


Vitamin D therapies are not available through health insurance companies and also not through private health insurance companies. Every doctor confirms the effectiveness of vitamin D, which can hardly be surpassed, but is not allowed to prescribe vitamin D. The incredibly absurd justification of the health insurance companies is: "We take the money from our members for the treatment of diseases. We are not allowed to spend any money on pure prophylaxis. The law even prohibits EVERY health insurance company on principle."

When I asked why the health insurance company was allowed to pay for back gymnastics courses, the answer was: "We have to use something to attract members. That's generally accepted and it's a gray area."

I researched it: In Germany, every precautionary measure is actually a private matter and does not fall within the area of responsibility of your doctor. Every citizen is responsible for his own health care. Ergo: I have acquired the knowledge of all modern research results on the subject of prevention and anti-aging myself.

On my own research trip through the world of medical knowledge, I discovered even more amazing things:

In the middle of tourist landscapes in Germany there is a private hospital that is always fully booked. It specializes in anti-aging week-long regimens. During these cures, the blood count is used to determine which vitamins and minerals the spa guest is missing, and when they check out they receive a precise list of vitamins that they should stick to throughout the year.

You're probably wondering, "Who on earth occupies these beds in this specialty hospital?" I couldn't believe my ears: every year, wealthy sheikhs from the Orient book a week's anti-aging treatment with the whole family. And no, that wouldn't be for me, the lady at reception told me, because I wouldn't want to spend five-figure sums for a week.

So I put together my own anti-aging therapy. The blood tests, which are used as a basis for this, are available from the family doctor around the corner every three years free of charge under the name "Check-up". I also ordered the determination of my vitamin D and my DHEA level at a reasonable price.

I recommended my personal anti-aging therapy to the sick, friends and relatives to make them feel better. The effect and the subsequent recovery - even with serious illnesses such as fibromyalgia - seemed to me to be a stroke of luck at first. But little by little, I found out again and again that constant and targeted treatment with vitamins and minerals can restore health.

As a medical journalist, I have been writing practical advice books since 2017, which enable every layperson to improve their health independently and conveniently and directly at home.

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