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Treat macular degeneration yourself

The advice book "Treat MACULATE GENERATION yourself" is volume 5 from the book series "Treat yourself". It is suitable for self-help in age-related macular degeneration, which without rapid intervention would progress to blindness.

You will receive specific information on what effective measures you can take to preserve your vision for longer and often even improve it. 

As a paperback with extra large font for 19.99 euros

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Readable as an e-book on all devices for 9.99 euros



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Ratgeber-Buch "Makuladegeration" von Kathrin Dreusicke aus der Buchreihe "Selbst Behandeln" Band 5

Helene tested it

With this book, Helene took her eye health into her own hands. Her ophthalmologist's statement: "There is nothing you can do about it." almost robbed her of the courage to do something. "He who heals is right" - and Helene healed herself with the help of this book!

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